Friday, March 06, 2009

Frostie the Dancing Parrot

Okay okay the little dude can dance. But I an not sure he can hold his own on Dancing With The Stars.

I mean come on People!!!! How many females are his size and would even want to do this???

Well if you know of any ladies willing to take the challenge contact the shows producers you might get compensated for your efforts, then again maybe not. I'm sure with lot's of hours of practice ol' Frostie could even make it through the 1st round.


P.S. I gave that tune a 7.0 cause it had a cool groove...

Monday, March 02, 2009

Is the Shamwow Guy a Flim-Flam Man???

Watch when Vince pours Cola on the carpet around 15-seconds into the commercial... See the Puddle coming out the front?. Now at 22-seconds it's gone before he even puts the Shamwow on it. Hmmm, I smell Deceptive Advertising here...

I have read where a large amount of people say it really works but I think Doctoring a Commercial like that is not the way to be trying to sell your product...